Products Softproof


Softproof in your browser at your control

Don’t worry about color-accurate representations on your monitor anymore! With our innovative softproof software, the color-accurate display of your print products becomes child’s play. Thanks to our special implementation in the ColorManagement system, you do not need any additional client software on your target system. All you need is a standard browser and the osX operating system.

Our software is able to automatically detect whether your target device meets the specified properties. An outdated or incorrect monitor calibration is detected and the soft proof display is adjusted accordingly. This way, you can be sure that the colors on your monitor look exactly as they do in print. Our softproof software not only saves you time and effort, but also cash. Thanks to the color-accurate display on the monitor, you can avoid unnecessary printing costs and wasted materials.

Convince yourself of the easy handling and the high efficiency of our softproof software. Contact us today and let us develop a customized solution for your company together!

Fogra Zertifizierung SoftProof is certified by Fogra.